Monday, October 29, 2018

Happy National Cat Day!

"Pssty! Hey, goggie, you awake?" 

"Goggie, wake up!" 

"Wha---? I sleeping, Pigeon!" 

"Today is National Cat Day! You're supposed to be paying attention to meeeee!" 

"Don't be upset, sissy! I would never furget such an impawtant day." 

"Momma furgot."
"She didn't?! Well, she's going to remedy that RIGHT NOW." 

"The throne is acceptable. I demand tribute of tuna and feather toys."

Happy National Cat Day to all my kitcat furiends, but most especially to my big sister Pigeon, who is the bestest furiend and sister any pup could ask for!


  1. oh my word!!! I love the ones where they are looking at each other with LOVE.. so sweet and Happy National Cat day to all of you...

  2. I didn't know it was National Cat Day! I'll have to do something special later!

  3. Hari Om
    happy cat day, Pidge - I hope the tribute is duly paid!!! Certainly you have had the honour of Love from Tildy. hugs whiskeries wags YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Happy Cat day to you Pigeon and to all feline friends

  5. Hey Pigeon and happy Nat'l Cat Day!!
    Good thing Matilda has you to keep her informed
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY NAT'L KITTEH DAY!!!! Matilda, I am so happy to see you and your sissy the bestest of pals! Pigeon, I hopes you gets lots of fishes and nip and all the kitteh thingies you wants!
    Ruby ♥

  7. Happy National Cat Day, Pigeon - we hope you got that tuna and a new feather toy. Meanwhile just snuggle up with Matilda = that will really get the Mom feeling like she needs to do something nice for you.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  8. Happy National Kitty Day, Pigeon!

  9. Happy belated National Cat Day!! Sorry we missed it!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher
