Monday, August 31, 2020

A masterpiece!

 OMD, you wouldn't believes what Momma showed me yesterday! Our Best Guy's daddy does gawjuss stained glass. He said he was going to make something for the next LBR fundraiser auction. Our Best Guy brought what he made yesterday, and it's the most beautimous thing in the whole-wide world. Obviously, because he used the best model ever!

It's like looking in a mirror! Momma says the framed one even caught my sassy side-eye. BOL!! In addition to the two boxers, he sent a bunch of Christmas ornaments too! They're going to raise SO much money for LBR....probably because Momma's going to spend a lot of it making sure she brings one of ME home!

Friday, August 28, 2020

Talk about pawfect timing!

 BOL, folks!! So yesterday I was complaining that Momma didn't do anything special for me on National Dog Day. Would you believes what came in the mail that very night??

Momma said, "Matilda, did you report me?!?!" Well, let's just say I didn't deny it. It turned out to be a fundraising letter, but she was shook by it, so guess what??

I gots to share her fries for dinner!! MUCH better, Momma. Maybe I'll just keep that number in my pocket juuuuust in case.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

I'd like to register a complaint

 It has come to my attention that yesterday was National Dog Day. And did I get any special treatment? NO, I did NOT! I spent a completely ordinary day of sleeping in, going for walkies, napping under Momma's desk, eating treats, playing with my toys, and curling up next to Momma on the couch at the end of the day.

What abuse!! What neglect!! I think this might really be the last straw. Anyone have the number for the SPCA?

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

It's ruff being a working breed!

 You might think from my picture with our Best Guy yesterday that the weekend was all fun and games. Well, I am a working breed, remember? I had an extremely busy weekend scheduled. Furst I had to help Momma read in the library...

And then I had to help her watch TV on the couch. (She gets skeered sometimes, so I have to be there to reassure her it's okay.)


I kind of miss the days when Momma worked out at an office, so I could have the week to catch up from my busy weekend. But I don't complain! I'm always here when Momma needs me.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Our best guy!

 This weekend, mine and Momma's Best Guy came for a visit. They abandoned me for a while to get food, then they came back for some nice cuddle time while we watched a movie.

Can you believes Momma had the nerve to say I should've left some space for her?? Just who does she think he's visiting here?? Obviously me.

Thursday, August 13, 2020