Friday, March 29, 2019

Believe in yourself!

I'd like to offer a little motivational speaking today. Remember to always believe in yourself. Even if you're told you can't do it, you can! Ignore labels, and just believe!

 You CAN destroy the "indestructible" toy as long as you BELIEVE you can!!

Monday, March 25, 2019

No credit!

I read a study about how humans who have dogs live longer because dogs lower their blood pressure and just provide so much sheer love and affection. Do you ever feel like you don't get nearly enough credit for that?

Yeah. So apparently I'm "grounded." No respect, I tells ya!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

A special birthday

OMD, folks, today we are celebrating a HUGELY impawtant birthday! Let me give you a hint!

Of course you recognize her from that, right?? No? Well, maybe we have a better picture...

Partners in crime

It's AUNTIE!!! Auntie is celebrating her 87 millionth (in dog years) birthday today. She's been a pawt of my life since I was a wee puppy. Did you know she's the FURST person other than Momma I met at my new house? And I'm not the only one who's loved her.

 All our angels have loved Auntie! She's just got the knack.

 Happy happy barkday to you, Auntie! I hope you get LOTS of bones and stuffies!

Monday, March 18, 2019

Mischief Monday: Outtakes!

I thought I'd share a few of the outtakes from our little St. Patrick's Day photo shoot. You saw the end result yesterday. But furst Momma tried to make me pose with -- with -- oh furiends, it's too terrible! She put STUFF on my head!!

I tried really hard to remove it, but it wouldn't budge! Finally Momma took pity on me and took it off. But then...

"Really? Something else?" 

 "Fine, but I won't look at you!"

Finally Momma took the STUFF off my head, which was good. But then she said I could pose with Pigeon, because everyone knows orange tabbies are Irish.

 Pigeon was not entirely happy about this. She didn't want to look at the camera either. She's a real pro!

 Finally we gave Momma the money shot.

I hope you enjoyed our Monday mischief!

Today is LBR's 15th barkday! Momma has been involved with it for about 10 of those years, and it's responsible for saving the lives of Casey, Cinderella, Jessie, and of course ME!! We're all so very grateful to LBR.
 You can donate here!

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Friday, March 15, 2019


Last night, while Momma and Auntie and I were innocently trying to watch Game of Thrones, I was TRAPPED by a vicious monster and had to fight to break free!

BOL! The Boy and I had lots of fun! I said I can take on those dragons on the show any time!

PeeS: Sorry we're not posting a lot. Momma is trying to spend a lot of extra time with Pigeon right now, so she's not taking a lot of pictures. We're still reading your blogs and trying to comment, though!

Friday, March 8, 2019

The greatest new superhero!

Momma came home really late last night (early this morning) after watching the newest Marvel movie, and she gushed about the GREATEST new superhero in the Marvel universe!

Yes, Goose the cat is a BIG part of the new Captain Marvel movie, and according to Momma the BEST part! He's played by a talented kitty named Reggie, plus three other stunt cats. Well, guess who is really excited to have a superhero idol of her very own?

Momma said the moral of the movie is "Don't mess with orange tabbies!"

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Special guest star!

OMD, you'll never believe it, but Pigeon and I had a very special guest yesterday.

"Guess who it is! Guess!"

That's right, it's... THE BOY!! Casey's Boy came to see us!

We had SO much fun playing in the yard together. I was so fast I was a BLUR. Then he came in and snuggled Pigeon too.

We LOVE it when the Boy visits us!

Monday, March 4, 2019

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Dr Seuss Day

Everybody rejoice, for today is the day we celebrate Dr. Seuss! (Momma says that the Doc himself pronounced it so that rhymes, but I told her that's silly. But she's typing, so she got her non-rhyme.)

Pigeon and I are both getting in the spirit.

When I think of Dr. Seuss, of course I think of yummy food! I don't know why SOME people don't like green eggs and ham. I'll eat them any day!!

Pigeon says that it's a well-known fact that Dr. Seuss loves cats the best. Hrmph.

...Well, maybe she has a point. Oh well, I know he loved us ALL. So that's the theme of our Seuss rhyme!

Puppies bark and go woo-woo-woo,
Kitties purr and meow a bunch too.
Birdies chirp and bunnies...bun,
Animals all know how to have fun!

Some of us have soft silky furs,
and when you pet us we woof and purr.
Others have feathers or scales and things
and swim around or take wing.

No matter what kind of critter you are,
whether you cuddle close or roam very far,
whether you're big or medium or small,
I know Dr. Seuss loved us all!

Happy Dr Seuss Day, everybody!!!