Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Monday, July 29, 2019

Entertaining myself

Sorry for the radio silence, folks. Momma was at a conference part of last week, so I gots to chill with my pawesome dog sitter Cheyenne. Then Momma has been really busy at work, so she just hasn't had a lot of time to help me blog. I'm trying to visit your blogs as much as I can. Hopefully things will quiet down for her soon. Until then, I'm getting pretty good at entertaining myself!

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

That's more like it!

Lucky fur all of us, Momma did something yesterday to take my mind off those "chunkbutt" comments. Remember how a couple weeks ago I told you it was Matilda Day, when I met Momma for the furst time and became Matilda? Well, I didn't go home with her then, because I needed to finish some vet stuff and she had a trip coming up. I came home with her and got officially adopted a couple weeks later. More specifically, a year ago YESTERDAY!!

So yesterday after she gots home from work, Momma asked if I wanted to go for a car ride. DUH, yes! But then once we were inside, she told me it was my adoptiversary and we were going to PetSmart!!

OMD, really?! Can I picks out a toy? Or two? Or three??

Yup, we went to PetSmart, where of course all the people were falling all over themselves to pet me. I let one lady and a few little kids, but I don't like it when big men try to pet me right when they furst meet me. But yes, I gots to pick out a toy...

Where do I start furst??

Not just A toy, but TWO toys, a new antler, and a yummy bone!! It's so exciting! I played with every single one of them last night. But before that, I had one other treat.

 No diets on birthdays or adoptiversaries, right Momma?

Yeah, Momma let me slide just a little and have my adoptiversary cheeseyburger. WOOHOO!!! After that I settled down to enjoy all my new toys and chews. What a grreat day!

I think I missed a spot.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

REALLY Momma???

Boy, Momma sure knows how to kick a girl when she's down! It was bad enough that I had to go in for my annual checkup and get THREE shots. It was even worse that the scale read higher than it ever has and the dogtor said I needed to lose a couple of pounds. But then my own beloved Momma started calling me CHUNKBUTT!!!!!!

Monday, July 8, 2019


Hey Momma, I know you liked having that other dog visit us last week, but you better remember...

 You're MINE!!

Friday, July 5, 2019

Our Fourth of July Adventure!

Wowza, folks, I was expecting something exciting for my furst Fourth of July with Momma, but I didn't realize what I was in for! Let me set the stage...

WHO'S THAT?! BOL! If you were following Momma's Facebark yesterday, you saw his picture. But he was a complete surprise to me. And no, he's not my new brother...though we thought he might be for a little while! So yesterday morning, Momma and I were taking our walk, stretching our legs, talking about what we might do for the Fourth of July. And all of a sudden...

"'Scuse me, coming through!"

Yup, this handsome guy just ran RIGHT up to me! He kinda startled Momma. But he was very sweet and friendly and didn't have a pawrent anywhere around. So Momma grabbed the flappy end of his collar as a leash and wrangled us both back to the house. (Momma says wrangling is definitely the right word, because I wanted to play with him SO BAD and he wanted to give her hugs and kisses.)

 "Wow, Matilda, this is nice! Can I stay here for a little bit?"

Momma brought him inside, took a few pictures of him, and got him some food and water while she and Auntie started frantically posting on all the lost & found sites. He had a collar but no tags, and all the vets were closed for the howliday so she couldn't check him for a microchip. But we didn't mind. We played a LOT, I shared my treats, and we did a lot of this.

 He had this cool little deal where instead of just sitting for treats, he'd sit and then wave his paw in the air for Momma to take. She kept saying "shake" and giving him extra treats. This is very curious. I'm going to investigate further and see if I can get some good results that way too. I'll keep you posted!

He sure started to feel at home with us! Momma was starting to say things like "How would you like a big brother, Matilda?" She didn't know if he'd ever find his home, because the Fourth is SO bad for missing dogs. BUT THEN!!! Momma decided to take him on a drive around the neighborhood to see if anyone was out looking or had put up signs. She drove around for a bit, asked a few people, but nothing. Then she stopped to ask a lady walking her two dogs -- because people looking for dogs ALWAYS stop to ask the dog walkers! -- and guess what?! Not only had she just talked to a guy looking for his missing dogs, but she had his number! She called him, and he was there in just a few minutes. And....

Our visitor WAS his missing dog Chappo. Chappo was VERY glad to see his daddy and jumped right into his car. Momma told him goodbye for both of us and thanked him for being such a good houseguest. Oh, and Chappo's daddy said that his other dog Lady was also missing. When Momma told her, Auntie checked on the dog sites and found that someone had already picked up Lady!! So she passed on Chappo's daddy's number, and Lady made it home too. Don't you just love a story with a happy ending?

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Wordless Wednesday

PeeS: Entirely too much credit is going to my momma for my Royal Pawtrait. She only filled in the colors, like a coloring book with paint. The credit goes to the employee who sketched out the pic and MOSTLY to the gawjuss model who provided the inspiration. Make sure credit is going where it belongs!!

Monday, July 1, 2019

A Royal Portrait

Some of you may remember Momma's adventures in painting. She goes to this place where they draw your pet's picture on the canvas and then walk you through how to paint it. Pawfect for someone as unartistic as Momma! BOL. She's done all of my great brothers and sisters.

So this weekend, she finally added her MASTERPIECE to the collection!

I look kinda skeery without eyes! Momma called me Little Orphan Tildy.


She was very proud of herself when she was done. But she had to get it through the toughest art critic before it could truly be a success.

It's like looking in a mirror! Thanks for my furst royal pawtrait, Momma!