Friday, June 19, 2020

Happy International Box Day!

As an official Boxer Ambassador, I would like to wish each and every one of you a happy International Box Day!! Please celebrate the day by boxing in whatever way you prefer.

PeeS: Sometime during quarantine, Momma gots a box delivered that made her laugh with how HUGE it was. So of course she made me take a picture posing in it, specifically for the next Box Day. Today she went to pull it up...and she can't finds it! She moved a bunch of pictures from her phone to her computer, but she's checked both places and can't find it anywhere. Good help is SO hard to find!! So you get an older box picture of me instead.


  1. When I was a pup, I loved to play in boxes! Have fun Matilda!

  2. happy boxing day to youuuu... yes you are the perfect ambassador for this day, no doubts!!!

  3. is amazing the size of some of the boxes in comparison to what is in them.
    BUTTTTT I'm so glad you posed in this one for Inter Boxer enhance the box 87 xs
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Tell mama if the picture shows up at a later date will still like to see it even on a not Boxing Day

  5. Did you have to get lured into your box with a treat too, Matilda? Happy Box Day!

  6. Hari OM
    It'll turn up when she isn't looking. I know these things... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Matilda, this is the perfect day for you. And maybe your mom will find the big box photo for next year!

  8. Momma tried to take a picture of us in a box but we are so short it just looks like a box.

  9. Matilda, we love you box day celebration photo. We hope your mom is able to find the other box photo for us to see. Thanks for the wonderful share. Have a great rest of your day.
    World of Animals
