Tuesday, March 23, 2021

National Puppy Day!

 My granny reminded Momma that today is National Puppy Day! So what are we supposed to do but share some puppy pictures of yours truly?? Get ready for the CUTE!!

Dis is one of the furst pictures Momma ever saw of me. She adopted me just before the Fourth of July!

I was always a curious little pup, even at my foster home.

This is from when I decided this was gonna be my new Momma. I wasn't sure of her at furst. I liked her, but was she MY momma? But then I heard a voice whispering in my ear who said he was Casey and this was going to be the bestest Momma in the whole wide world. And she IS!

BOL, my bone was almost bigger than me!

Momma calls this my furst Glamor Shot.

Can you believes I was small enough to curl up on Momma like this??

This is when Momma came to bring me home fur good, and I got my furst PURPLE collar!

When I gots home, I got to know my new kitty sister Pigeon. She was smaller than me but Momma said she was my big sister. She mostly just called me HISS for a while before she got the hang of Matilda.

But it wasn't long before we were bestest friends! I miss her.

Thanks fur joining us on a trip down memory lane! Happy Puppy Day, evfurrybody!


  1. Matilda, you got so lucky with your lovely Momma!

  2. Awww, we loved seeing the puppy in you, Matilda. And you know what? - Casey is a very wise pup.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. Hari OM
    Awwwwwwwwwww... I got sooky overload!!! You are just gawjuss gal. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. I knew you were a beautiful puppy because you are beautiful now.

  5. Oh gurl, I just LOVES your baby pics!!!!! They are just adorables!!!!
    And I am super duper glads you picked your Moms....she is a winner, that one is
    Ruby ♥

  6. You were just the cutest puppy ever, Matilda! Happy National Puppy Day!

  7. Happy Puppy day... your face has been a heart melter from your very first day... when I see your preicous face I feel the urge to HUG you tights, like mama did.. you are still a puppy in your heart

  8. What a lucky pup to have such a wonderful family! Happy belated Puppy Day!

  9. Awwwwww Matilda you and Momma were a match made in heaven by your Angel siblings
    Hugs Cecilia
