Sunday, July 29, 2012

Happy monthday, Baby Austin! Plus Olympics!

Happy one month birthday to Baby Austin!!! I think he deserves some birthday tummy rubs, don't you?

The Blogville Olympics are off to an amazing start!!  Today's events are:

Crazy Sleeping Singles ~
Synchronized Snoozing ~

And don't forget the Legacy Olympics on Facebook! We're hosting our own Olympics and trying to raise money for all the pawsome dogs of Legacy Boxer Rescue. You can donate via ChipIn link OR to LBR's main website ! Even if you can just donate $5 or $1, it will still add up to help the dogs!

And guess what?? Our first event was BOXING (what else for Legacy BOXER Rescue??), and I won the bronze medal!!

Today's event is Mouth Jousting, so be sure to check out LBR's Facebook page to see all the grreat entries!


  1. I just put a CHIP IN thingy in... in honor of the ONE MONTH Birfday.

  2. Wow!! a whole month old? Just seems like the other day we were waiting news for Young Master Austin's birth!!

    And boxing? You are a grand master! :)

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  3. Ah wooooo! Austin DEFINITELY needs tummy rubs!!!!
    Way to go on the boxing!!!

  4. Baby Austin you sure are adorable. Happy month day
    Benny & Lily

  5. Happy 1 month Austin...the first month of the rest of your very excellent life,
    Hugs madi

  6. Awww, we love puppies. I guess you already guessed that. Good luck in the Olympics. Your boxing technique is great. Our kennel name is Legacy, so it's like we're related.
    Morgan, Sebastian and the Porties

  7. Casey,

    Sweet little Austin is growin' like a weed, him sure is a cutie patootie too. Congrats on winnin' da bronze medal in da LBR Olympic boxin' event, of course our mom voted fur you on da facebook!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max
