Friday, June 28, 2019

Monday, June 24, 2019

It's a Matildaversary!

Guess what happened a year ago??

Yup, that's me meeting Momma for the very furst time!! I was a little nervous at furst, but then I heard some voices whispering in my ear that she was wonderful and I should go lick her ear. I did, and she said I was hers furever! I still hear the voices whispering at me sometimes, and I'm glad that Angel Casey, Angel Jessie, and Angel Cinderella are giving me advice.

It was another two weeks before my official adoptiversary when I came home furever. But this was the day I became Matilda!

Friday, June 21, 2019

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

It's OUR day!!

My boxer cousins and I are so excited, because today is our day! Do you know why? It's International BOX Day!!!

So from boxers present, boxers past...

 And honorary boxers...

 Happy Box Day to you!

Monday, June 17, 2019


Momma played a trick on me yesterday! She left in the morning to go see Grandpa for Father's Day. A few hours later, I heard her come home. I was SO excited! But then...

" is not Momma!!"

That's right, an IMPOSTER MOMMA showed up!! Can you believes it?! It was such a betrayal. But after a moment, I realized something impawtant. 

"Oh! Is not an imposter Momma, is an AUNTIE!"

PHEW! It wasn't an impawster after all. It was just Auntie, coming to visit me because she missed me SO much and stuff. I was glad she came, because Momma came home really late and I would've had to potty something fierce. Funny how Auntie knew JUST when I needed her! We needed some time to hang out, just us.

Queen of All I Survey

Friday, June 7, 2019

Nature Friday

Happy Friday, efurrybody! Since it's Nature Friday, I thought I'd share a few nature pictures from Momma's vacation thingy last week. She drove up through a place called Yellowstone. I asked her if there were lots of doggies there to pee on all the stones, but apparently that's not where it got its name. False advertising!!!

But there WAS one doggy Momma met. This is Sammy. He's 12 years old and on a bucket list trip with his pawrents. Momma said since he was a celebrity, she had to take his picture.

She met him while she was waiting to see Old Faithful -- who apparently is ALSO not a dog. Everyone knows when you say faithful, you mean a dog!! Sheesh, people!! This is the silly thing Momma says they called Old Faithful instead.

A dog would've been better. Just saying. Anyway, here's one last picture, just 'cause it's Momma's favorite out of the ones she took.

Happy Nature Friday!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019


Helllllllo, furiends! I'm BACK! Yup, Momma went to that "vacation" place, which I'm sure was totally boring, and I got to have SO much fun with my dogsitter Cheyenne! She's lots of fun and gives great scritches, plus she has a MUCH more liberal hand with the treats than Momma. Just saying. I've missed you guys and hope I didn't miss out on any big news in your life. Cheyenne is pawesome, but she's not great with figuring out blogs.

Oh hey, guess what I got to do last night? Momma set up a whole assembly line on the counter for me! There were English muffins and slices of cheese, all just SITTING there while Momma sat in the living room eating dinner. I couldn't let such generosity be ignored, so I put my paws up on the counter and started helping myself. Then when Momma saw me enjoying what she set out, we played the cheering game. You know, "MATILDA!! I can't believe you!!" I know, I can't believe how delicate I was either! I lifted the cheese slices right off the English muffins! I got two slices of cheese AND half an English muffin. Then Momma wasted the rest making breakfast sandwiches. What a fun game!

Monday, June 3, 2019