Saturday, December 13, 2014


Wanna know something funny? Sometimes stuff shows up in our pictures without us ever noticing. And we may not notice for ages, even years, until someone else points them out. One of our LBR aunties pointed us to a very funny slideshow on Huffington Post about Christmas photobombs. Go ahead, scroll on through. We'll wait. Number 18 is the super funniest, we think.



BOL!!!! Do you recognize it?!?! This is from Christmas 2012.

Momma would like to make two comments in response to that slideshow:

1. Scribbles would be more than welcome to wear a sweater, but she's afraid that he would kill her in her sleep if she tried.

2. He's more than cute enough to be in the picture, but he won't pose like Cinderella and I do. So photobombing is all he gets, by his own choice!

So what do you think of THAT? We're FAMOUS!


  1. you are famous and i did not even notice Scribbles until you pointed it out. some of those are obvious.. my favorite is 16 with the two boxers. LOL

  2. I agree with Scribbles, sweaters can do that :o) I saw you in the slideshow... first I thought it's #16, but you never ever would bomb a photo that way, right? and the Santa in #10 is super scary :o)
    Easy Rider

  3. WE love it.... butt MUST say... we have ALWAYS thought that you were FAMOUS...

  4. OMD!!! How funny was that!!! Those are some good photo bombs but yes #18 is by far the best
    Mr Bailey & Hazel

  5. Nothing compares to #18 although 16 made us laugh!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  6. As it should be, after all you are the world famous LBR Boxers...even Scribbles is part of the family!

    The Mad Scots

  7. Da kitties are always photobombin round here!

  8. You're even more famous now!

    Abby the Lab

  9. Thank dog u werent the photobomb picture of the other boxers dogs doing the piggyback ride. Congrats on being famous.

  10. You are FAMOUS!!! We love photo bombed pictures here. We also try to photo bomb pictures (if we're in the background) whenever we can - it's pretty funny. Yours is our favorite for so many reasons!

  11. We have a few of those unnoticed photo bomb shots over here too! Good job Scribbles :)

    the critters in the cottage xo
