Friday, August 7, 2015

Mail call!

My momma has been TORTURING us. A big BOX came the other day addressed to ME, and Momma wouldn't open it. She kept saying she was BUSY, while that box just stared at us. But we finally got to open it last night.

"Okay, Jessie, whenever you get a package, you sniff at it first to see who it's from. Getting anything?" 

"Um... there's some guy named Clyde at a packaging plant..."
"Hang on, kid, I know exactly what this is!" 

"It's our fancy new Drinkwell Pagoda Fountain that we won from Bunny and the gang over at Tails and Tales!! Oooh, I've been waiting for this to come!!"  

We were so excited to win this new water fountain. My kitty sister Pigeon is a true water connoisseur, and she LOVES running water. She keeps trying to stick her head under the faucet whenever Momma is washing dishes or something. So we knew she'd love this!

Momma was happy that it was something so pretty that it could sit right out in the middle of everything. That way she won't furget to refill it like she usually does. (HUMANS! Am I right?) She asked for the RED one because it's sitting on the same countertop as our RED Kitchen Aid mixer and RED toaster. It fits right in. And as soon as it turned on and that water started bubbling, Pigeon came down to investigate.

The verdict?

"Is that running water? Let me just take a taste...and another... and another... and another.." 

I think she likes it!! Thanks, Bunny, Flattery, Morgan, and Kuster! We're so happy we won this. :)


  1. it makes a pretty fountain even it there is no kitty to drink from it.... did you ask for one for you and Jessie? or steps to get on the counter? BOL ....

    1. Jessie drinks SO much water, Momma wouldn't be able to keep it filled and the motor would die from running dry all the time! That's another reason we thought it would work best for Pigeon. :)

  2. What a great prize, well done!!!!
    And Pigeon luffs it, thats pawfect
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  3. What a beautiful fountain, and just the right size for Pigeon!! Bunny will be so pleased that your Mama color coordinated (she is Dory's fashionista mentor!) :-)
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  4. Oh Pigeon I'm a water fountain kinda girl too. I've had one since my first day here. Once mom put down a bowl of water...I snubbed it...I like my water flowing freely
    Hugs madi your bfff

  5. Looks like Pigeon is the proud owner of her personal watering trough. Enjoy Pigeon!

    Aroo to you,

  6. Wow, what a great prize!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. Wow! that is so cool - looks like it would be a blast to play in BOL!
    Bailey & Hazel too

  8. she does look very happy with it :)

  9. Go, Pigeon!!! What a stylish water fountain!

  10. Pawsome and very stylish. Good color choice.

  11. OMD!!! That is FABulous!!!! It is soooo purty too! CONGRATS!!!
    Ruby ♥

  12. Wow! We've never seen a pet fountain before. Lucky Pigeon!! I wonder if she'll end up drinking even more because it's so cool!

  13. that's a super stylish fountain and it's great to celebrate National Cat Day that way :o) what a supüer timing :o)

  14. That is a very stylin fountain! We love it! And we love that Pigeon gives it her paw of approval! :)

    the critters in the cottage xo
