The vets are trying lots of things to help her, but they don't know if any of it will work. If she hasn't improved by tomorrow morning, then they're going to help her to the Bridge. I know that vets are awesome, but the power of the paw is even more awesome. Please please please keep Charity in your thoughts and prayers tonight. She has so much still to live for, and I know Santa Paws has an extra-special gift already prepared for her.
Please send up your thoughts, prayers, or good vibes for Charity and her foster mom and dad, who are really worried about her. We have four sets of paws crossed at my house!
Update: I'm very sad to report that Charity passed away this afternoon. :( She was very loved, and I know she has lots of LBR cousins ready to play with her on the Bride. I hope my Aunt Nina shows her around.
Such sad news. We will continue to pray for Charity.
Maggie Mae and Max's Mom
RIP sweet Charity...