This is Freedom. He was a very sweet and fun boy that came into Legacy's care a couple of months ago. Unfortunately we lost Freedom today.

Remember the last post I did about heartworms? Well Freedom's story is exactly why all dogs should be on heartworm prevention. The people that originaly cared for him didn't do a very good job and let him get heartworms. Freedoms body had an immune response to the heartworm treatment. It caused what is known as
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia. Basically his
body started destroying his
red blood cells.

So please don't let Freedom's death be in vain. Get your dogs on heartworm prevention now!
Goodbye Sweet Freedom we loved you and know that you're having a wonderful time with all of the other Legacy Boxers that have passed on to the bridge. We'll miss you very much.
I never got to meet you, Freedom, but I heard your foster dad talk about you all the time! I'm sorry your past owners didn't give you a chance at life. At least you got to experience love and the good life for a little while at your foster home.