Monday, June 25, 2018

Matilda Monday

This is Matilda and her foster sister. Her foster momma sent us an update this morning. Look at that double head tilt!

Matilda has her furst vet visit this afternoon, so cross your paws all goes well! Momma says other than being too skinny, she looks super healthy. I'm ready for her to get here. Blogging is severely cutting into my naptime!



  1. she is so beautiful, I wish her luck at the vet...

  2. we sure cross all our paws and we hope for good news when she is back ... rock the vet Matilda!

  3. Paws crossed here. We can hardly wait to meet her.

  4. Paws are crossed tightly here!

  5. Pigeon, we think blogging will be way down on your list of priorities once your beautiful new sister arrives!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  6. Pigeon, we are so excited for you!! Matilda is doing a SUPER cute head tilt there with her foster sister!

  7. Hari om
    You have been doing a sterling job with the blog, Pidge!!! Matilda is gorgeous and I truly hope yoh find a bond with her as you did with Jessie. Hugs and whiskeries dear cat, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. Phod was way too skinny when we got him too! Fingers crossed it goes well!

  9. She is such a cutie. Abby was seriously skinny when she arrived at foster. Too long at a high kill shelter that got shut down by the county and heartworm positive. You can hardly recognize
    her looking at those initial photos.


  10. HEEEEEEY TILDY!!!!!!! WHAT UP GURL??!!! OMD, you are one cute puppers!!!! Yes, Angel Casey, Angel Cinderella and Angel Jessie sure did your new Moms well! You are gonna looooooves your new furever home! And, I hears there are some SERIOUSLY good treaties and stuffs there too! Oh, and Pigeon is one FABulous Sib! You knows I am sendin' lots and lots of AireZens and positive vibes your way!!!!
    Ruby ♥

  11. Woo hoo!!! Things are so good in your family right now. I am so thrilled for all of you!!!!

  12. We think she will do just great at your house. Just great. Before long mom will have her all healthy looking. Sweet little girl. mags and gus

  13. OMD...those ears have Mama squee-ing so hard our ears hurt!!!

    Welcome Tildy, we know you are going to have so many fun adventures!!!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  14. She is so dang cute!!!
    Hazel & Mabel
