Monday, April 30, 2018

Halfway there!

We're at the halfway point of Momma's Renny-sauce festival. She's having fun and it's awfully nice getting to hang out with my cousins every weekend, but it's tiring for all of us and we don't get to post much! It's nice to just hang out with your momma sometimes, right?

Poor Pigeon doesn't get to hang out at Auntie's, because Cousin Frankie would eat her, so she has to snuggle extra at night!

Friday, April 20, 2018

Flashback Flower Friday

Today for Flower Friday, we're flashing back a few years...

We used to have a tree in our front yard, but it died and Momma planted this beeYOUtiful garden in that spot. She called it the Cinderella Memorial Garden. Too soon, she added a second stone to the garden.

Over time we added a statue of St. Francis, the patron saint of animals, and rotated out different flowers, but it was always there.

Now we have a new stone...

Momma has picked out a spot in our NEW backyard for all three stones and St. Francis. It'll have to wait until after faire, so she has time to dig up the grass and make a new flower bed. But it's going to be pawfect. I'll be able to remember my sissies and brother every time I go out!

(All of our stones came from Wild Horse Engraving, who we highly recommend. They've done a grreat job with all of them, and this one arrived SUPER quickly!)

Monday, April 16, 2018

Finding the new normal

Momma and I are trying to get back to normal after all the trauma of last week. We're enjoying getting to spend some time together, like when she took me on a walk and let me fulfill a treasured dream -- I got to climb on the playset at the park!

Pigeon and I are also spending some more time snuggling too! This weekend, Momma and I spent a lot of time over at Auntie's house. She played at her Renny-sauce faire -- she said it was refreshing getting to be someone else for a little while -- and I snoozed played super hard with the cousins.

Thank you so much to Abby Lab and her Momma for these beeYOUtiful flowers! We love our Blogville furiends so much.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Remembering Jessie

We are slowly trying to get back to normal here without our sweet Jessie. It's so hard. Momma says she'll furget that anything happened and thinks everything is normal, then she suddenly remembers and gets all leaky. But we appreciate the support of all of our Blogville family during this time. Thank you to Ann at Zoolatry for this lovely badge of Jessie!

We've been looking back through old blog posts and thinking a lot about the things Jessie got up to in her too-short time with us. She had so many grand adventures! I bet she's been telling Cinderella and Scribbles all about them up at the Rainbow Bridge.

This is the very furst picture Momma saw of Jessie, when she was in the shelter needing help. Momma say her eyes and said "She needs us." We'd planned on just fostering her, but Jessie had other plans!

She had so much energy and life from the beginning!

She was incredibly expressive, whether she was awake or asleep! Momma loved to get pictures of her just sitting or lying down with a grreat expression on her face.

She and Pigeon became fast friends, which made Momma so happy to see. Pigeon misses her so much now!

Jessie was furiends with everyone she met. They all loved her, and got LOTS of boxer kisses!

 She loved her adventures with her handsome boyfriend, Stanley!

As for me? We became the BEST playmates and snuggle buddies you could ask for.

Mostly when I think of Jessie, I think of her having a ball, rolling around on her back with her paws in the air.

And of course, she loved Momma so very much -- and the feeling was mutual!

We miss you so much, Jessie! We'll never furget you.