Wednesday, September 19, 2012


 Yo ho ho, mateys, today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day! So whether you speak, bark, or meow, enjoy your day!

Just call me Long John Casey

Plus, we have more exciting news!! Yes, it's another contest, but this one is really pawsome!

This is Pink. She blogs over at Diary of a Deaf Dog, and she's an LBR foster dog. AND she made it as a Top 100 finalist in the Fuzzy Nation Super Model contest! If she wins, she'll get a custom-made plushie... AND LBR will get $15,000!!!! Think of all the dogs we can help with that much green paper!

You have to have Facebook to vote in this one. If you do, please go to this link and vote for PINK. (The list is alphabetical, so you'll have to scroll down a bit.) Thank you!


  1. Blime long John Casey you are one Bucko and you make my little bar maid heart go pitter patter.
    Hugs Wenches Madi and Mom

  2. Oh pooh I guess I'll be walking the gangplank I don't do FB so I cannot vote
    Hugs Madi

  3. Casey I stink at talking pirate but I will go vote!
    stella rose

  4. Long John Casey. HA roo roo roo! And HARRRRR!
    Play bows,
    PS: We'll see if we can go in through mom's FB account and vote!

  5. We did it! We hacked her account and voted for Pink!

  6. You does an most excellent pirate impression, and dog gone you looks awesome in a pirate hat too.
    Pink is an incredible lookin' dog...dat foto made my mum's jaw hit da floor.

    PS: we dn't do FB...sigh.

  7. Casey, you look like one of our very own mateys! Arrrrrgrrr.Yo!Ho!Ho!Our ship will be by to pick yee up :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  8. Aarrgghh! Happy International Talk Like A Pirate Day Casey!

    Dat foto of Pink is just wunderful. Mom has all ready gone and voted fur her today! We did not know her had a blog so off we go to visit!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  9. You make a great pirate!!! :)
    And Miss Pink is gorgeous! We are going to vote right now... Here is hoping she wins and LBR gets some much needed $$$ for all the great work they do!

    Many smooches!

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  10. Hark ye', Long John Casey! I wish thee a pawsome day!

  11. Glad you saw the award, Casey! You and Cinderella and ALL the Legacy Boxers deserve it!
