Want to do something really easy to help LBR? If you have a Facebook account, go to Dr. Marty Becker's page (
http://www.facebook.com/#!/DrMartyBecker), "like" it, and then post on the wall "I nominate Legacy Boxer Rescue in Hurst, TX." (Or something similar.) Dr. Becker has been on Oprah and Dr. Phil, and he is holding a contest to give several prizes from $1,000 to
$20,000 to animal charities! Think how much kibble that could buy. And vet care for awesome dogs like Capri, heartworm treatment, spays and neuters -- the possibilities are endless!
If LBR gets enough nominations, we'll go on to the final round. Please nominate us, and let all your friends know too!!

Bedmonster orders you to go vote!!
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