Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Under attack!

OMD, folks, you'll never guess what happened early this morning! Momma and I were under attack!

There we were, innocently asleep in bed, when all of a sudden squirrels started throwing acorn grenades at us!!! I could hear them hitting the roof and the windows, over and over and over. There must've been a HUGE squirrel army out there!! Momma tried saying it was something called "hail" and part of the thunderstorm, but HAH! I've heard thunder, and it doesn't come with stuff attacking us!!

It was a pretty tense time, folks. I was on high alert to protect Momma if those squirrels breached the house. I wanted to go out and drive them away, but you know, I couldn't leave Momma unprotected. Eventually they were skeered off by my intimidating presence. PHEW!!! I sure hope they don't try THAT again.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Come oooooon, Momma!!

Every morning, my momma tortures me. I know, she looks so nice, right?! But she does!

See, the bestest toy in the whole wide WORLD is a plastic bottle. It makes this pawesome crinkling sound when you chew it, and you can throw it and chase it and everything. There's NOTHING better than this bottle! And every morning, Momma pulls one out of the fridgey-rator for me. But does she give it to me? Nooooo! Okay, it requires a little preparation. It comes out of the fridgey-rator with some nasty liquid inside, so she has to get rid of that. But instead of just pouring it down the sink, she drinks it. Blech. I will follow her around and stare at her. Sometimes I'll let out a really pathetic whimper and put a paw on her hand. But she is unmoved!! She just keeps telling me I can have it when she finishes. She's so mean!

So I'm just going to stare at Momma until she gives in. It might take a while. But that bottle is worth it!!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Blogville Isolympics!

Welcome, evfurrybody, to another event in Blogville's fabulous ISO-lympics!

Now, I thought long and hard about what event was best suited for me. I'm so good at fetch and chase and tug and gymnastics, not to mention my dedication in all the napping categories! But I finally decided to share my entry in the beloved event


So you starts off on a nice made bed. Make sure you look extra innocent so you can dodge any obstacles like Momma time-outs.

Then you get started. Warm up slowly. It helps to have a toy to help you get up to the really epic levels of energy.

Build that energy up, faster and faster, until you're a whirling dervish of energy running all around and over and on and off that bed, getting it into just the right artistic spot. Then when the whistle blows -- which sounds a lot like Momma coming back into the room -- flop down in just the right innocent position.

Then just let your momma admire your work. She'll shout your name SO many times!!!

Well, there you have it! I definitely won the gold medal in this event!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Easter outtakes

Momma said she thought my furiends might like to see some of the outtake shots from our Easter photoshoot.

I do NOT like wearing things on my head. After much trial and tribulation, Momma and I agreed that I wouldn't have to wear any silly things on my head for howliday photoshoots...EXCEPT Easter, because she said there's no substitute for bunny ears.

I agreed -- because treats. But I never said I'd be happy about it.

Or agreed to look at the camera!

But no matter how silly it all is, I just can't deny one thing.

I look gawjuss!

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Hoppy Easter!

Hoppy Easter to all of my pals! I hope you got to chase a bunny today!

 What, Momma? That's not how it works? Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. FINE, I hope you got visited by a bunny that you DIDN'T get to chase (that's stupid) and got some nommy treats instead of fresh bunny meat.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Hard at work!

This is the face of a dog hard at work:

Sure, it may LOOK like I'm sleeping, but that's concentration!

See the relief on Momma's face? Her back was hurting a lot yesterday, so we spent a lot of time laying on the couch together. And when I jumped up beside her and laid down in juuuuuust the right spot, she let out a big sigh of relief. Apparently I was exactly the right amount of warmth and pressure to make her back feel a lot better.

It's a ruff job, but I'll always be there to help my Momma feel better!

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Sunday Selfie...with a problem

Oh dawg. I know this post is late, but you wouldn't believes the trouble I had trying to get a selfie. Furst of all, SOMEBODY else barged into my selfie.

"Smile, Matilda!"
"This is a SELFie, not an USsie, Momma!!" 

Then she started making fun of my expression.

 "Momma, you look ridiculous."
"I look like you! They say dogs and their owners start looking alike."

 "I cannot work like this."

FINALLY I talked her into letting me just take a darned selfie like the day says!

 I think the isolation is getting to her. When will this end?

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Remembering my sister

One year ago today, my sweet kitty sister Pigeon said goodbye to me and Momma and went to the Rainbow Bridge.

She was the bestest sister, and Momma and I still miss her very much.

But we know she is up at the Bridge snuggling with Jessie, her bestest furiend and sweet sister, and all our other angels. So that makes us smile.