Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Howloween!

I was so excited about dressing up for Howl-o-ween! Momma said that she got me a costume of a super powerful female hero. I just KNEW she meant my favoritest of all-time, but then she brought out...this.

Momma! How could you dos this to me? Wonder Woman??

 Yes, yes, she's pawerful and good and a real hero. But you KNOWS who my favorite is!!!!

YES! Captain Marvel is the strongest and bestest female hero of all time!

She even has her own kitty, just like my angel sissy.

So what do you think, folks?

Which hero am I??


The REAL hero, of course, is anyone who helps their local shelter today for the No Tricks, Just Treats for Shelters event here on Blogville! Share what you're doing to help your local shelter or rescue this Howl-o-ween, and the good folks at LLB in Our Backyard will donate to three Blogville-connected animal charities. And guess what?? They chose LBR as one of them!

For our act of kindness, I gave Momma some of my allowance so she can go on LBR's wishlist and order some beds and toys for our foster dogs! Most shelters and rescues have some kind of a wishlist letting you know what is needed most, and you can often ship it straight to their doorstep! How pawesome is that??

So join us in helping your local shelter or rescue this Howl-o-ween and make it a fangtastic howliday for everyone!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

A Legacy of Love!

I'm so excited to share that Rosy, Arty, and Jakey at LLB in Our Backyard have chosen LBR as one of their charities for this year's No Tricks, Just Treats for Shelters! They host this incredibly generous event every year, encouraging everyone to do something special for their local shelters and rescues this year for Howl-o-ween. And for everyone who shares what special thing they've done for a local shelter or rescue on their blog hop, the LLB gang will be donating to their three chosen rescues!

Rosy and I are telling everyone all about the wonderfulness of LBR today. The other two rescues -- Marg's Animals and Brian's Home -- have been spotlit in previous posts. I encourage you to go read all about them!

But of course, LBR has my heart. I don't have the sad rescue story that many pups do. I was just surrendered by a very nice young lady who bought a cute boxer puppy and then was NOT prepared for the energy level and care I needed. So she surrendered me to my foster home for a few weeks, then I found Momma and came home with her! If LBR hadn't been around, I might have ended up in a shelter or even out on the streets!

My Angel siblings all had their own rescue stories with LBR. We've told the complete stories before, but here's a quick snip:

Casey nearly died as he was left sick in a hoarder's backyard with no grass or shade. When he was finally surrendered to LBR, he spent 5 months recovering in foster care before he found Momma.

Cinderella was clearly used as a breeder before she and her last litter were dumped. Her puppies didn't make it, and Cinderella was bald and itchy as she lost almost all her furs to a horrible flea infestation and allergies. But she found her fairy godmother through LBR and got a new lease on life in her golden years!

Jessie was a scared little stray on the streets when she was picked up by Animal Control. Luckily, she was rescued from the shelter by LBR and came straight to Momma's house -- where she moved right in to everyone's hearts!

So please join LLB in Our Backyard for No Tricks, Just Treats for Shelters this Howl-o-ween! As for LBR, you can donate through our website or Facebook page. We're going to be holding a big auction on November 11 to benefit our Keepers, dogs whose medical or psychological conditions mean they can't be adopted out but instead live out their legacy at LBR foster homes.

Monday, October 28, 2019

A busy weekend

I kept myself SUPER busy this weekend.

 Don't try this at home, folks! I AM a pawfessional!

Friday, October 25, 2019

REALLY, Momma??

Momma, I am very disappointed in you. We TALKED about this.

I do not like to potty in the wet. You're supposed to turn off the sky water BEFORE dragging me out to potty. Get it right next time!!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Throwback Thursday

 Since it's fall, Momma wanted to share one of her very favorite Fall pictures. This is her and Angel Casey at a Howl-o-ween pawty. Casey was wearing his handsome Scotsman costume. Can you believe he didn't win the costume contest?!

PeeS: What the woof?! Obviously it's not Thursday. We SET this to publish tomorrow, but apparently Momma messed it up. *sigh* Good help is so hard to find. Oh well, we threw back Thursday hard enough it's actually on Wednesday!

Monday, October 21, 2019

What the woof WAS that?!

Wowzers, folks, last night was a doozy!

Last night we had all sorts of lights and boomers in the sky. Not a lot of rain, but it was sure LOUD! Then there was a super loud sound I hadn't heard before, like a siren. Momma suddenly GRABBED me and a pillow and DRAGGED me into the laundry room. I tried telling her that I was Not Allowed in there, but she pulled me in and shut the door. What the woof?!

 Apparently the weirdo sound is something called a "tornado siren". I hadn't experienced one yet, but Momma says they're something you get used to, living in Texas. Momma said the laundry room is the safest place when there are skeery storms, and apparently we both have emergency bags in there. I tell you, I am NOT a fan! But Momma just kept checking her phone and said everything was going to be fine. Then eventually she opened the door, and we both cuddled on the couch while Momma watched a bunch of weird colors on the TV. I hope we don't have to do THAT again -- but Momma says because it's Texas, we sure will!

From the Momma: Last night was Matilda's first tornado drill! She wasn't a fan. Luckily the storms turned east a few miles north of us, so we're fine. A lot of the Dallas/Ft.Worth Metroplex got hit, with what's looking like at least two separate tornadoes that touched down. The weather radar was sure fun to look at last night.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Nature Friday

I finally have a Nature Friday post! Momma is TERRIBLE about remembering to get pics for it. But today we have some beautimous flowers and even more beautimous ME!

This is me posing with some of the flowers we got at Mums & Roses, LBR's big fundraising plant sale, this year!

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Happy barkday at the Bridge!

Today would have been my great-brother Casey's 12th birthday. He was a very, very, very loved pup, and Momma still thinks of him often. Happy barkday at the Bridge, Angel Casey!

Friday, October 11, 2019

We got your back, St. Francis!

St. Francis of Assissi is the patron saint of animals. But Momma says sometimes he's busy, so we have to help out! This morning, she was driving to work when she saw a dog running along the road straight towards the busy highway. She stopped and called to the dog, hoping it wouldn't run off. Nope, she wiggled and ran straight to Momma, then jumped in the car when Momma asked if she wanted a car ride.

She hung out in the back while Momma read her tag and called the number. No one answered! Momma drove around for a while, but then said she had to get to work because she had a hearing. So she took Mikka home and was setting up a spot in the spare room when Mikka's momma called. YAY!!

I wish I'd had a chance to meet Mikka. Momma said she was super friendly and calm, not to mention very lovely in her Howl-o-ween scarf! But we're very glad she got home to her own momma and the two skin-kids who were crying. So don't worry, St. Francis, we've got you covered.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Mums & Roses

This weekend was LBR's big Mums & Roses sale, one of our biggest fundraisers of the year! The pawesome volunteers of LBR worked tirelessly in the Texas heat to set up a gazillion mums, roses, pumpkins, and other fall plans. (Our cool front arrived last night! It was in the 90s on Saturday during the sale!)

They were lucky enough to get a guest appearance by a super famous blogger.

Always happy to meet my adoring public!

I helped Momma pick out plants -- which you'll see on Nature Friday! -- and I finally got my microchip put in. Momma feels bad because it's taken her so long to get it done, but now I'm all safe! I was extremely brave and didn't even flinch. If Momma says I cried and tried to pull away, she's LYING!!

Anyways, as usual, LBR totally rocked the plant stand!! We raised nearly $20,000, which is going to help big this year after all our legal battles! Huge thanks to all my LBR aunties and uncles who worked so hard at the sale, and especially Uncle Ken and Uncle Waylon of Roses USA who donate all these plants to us!

Friday, October 4, 2019

New family members!

Whoa! Momma and I went out on our walk this morning, and I found out that our family expanded overnight!

Momma says that's our new door manager Charlotte, with her door boxers Sluggo and Long John. Apparently we turn into a happening place in October and need some extra management.

That's Fossil. He hangs out on the porch to skeer away anyone who gets too close.

And then there's the trouble-makers! The big guy is Ichabod, the girl with the bone is Elvira, and the kitty is Raven. Momma says if they're causing mischief in our yard, they keep other trouble-makers from coming in. Wow, I'm sure glad all of these guys are around to protect us! Who knew October got so skeery?

Do any of you have new family members move in during October?