Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Wordless Wednesday


(PeeS: Did anyone else have trouble with Blogger today? It kept telling us it couldn't add a picture to the post, which is kind of the point of Wordless Wednesday! Glad it finally cooperated.)

Monday, February 26, 2018

Family reunion

Momma has started training for her Renny-sauce faire, so that means visits to Auntie's house!! Since our new house is SO close, we don't actually live with Auntie on the weekends like we used to. Instead, we drive over in the morning, Jessie and I play with the cousins all day while Auntie and Momma do Renny-sauce stuff, then we go home and sleep in our own bed that night. It's pawfect!!

Jessie really wanted some of Momma's sausage biscuit they had for breakfast one day.

This is my little cousin Simon. I'm his idol. It's adorable. He always wants to lay next to me and tries to copy my position and everything. (That's even littler cousin Bebe in the back!)

We hope all of you had a fun-filled weekend!

Friday, February 23, 2018

Final Fiction Friday

It's the last Friday of the month, which means it's YAM Auntie's Final Fiction Friday! The challenge -- take a book, turn to page 87, and choose one word each from the 8th, 12th, and 16th lines. Then create a work of fiction, prose or poetry!

Since Momma's a big nerdy lawyer, the book she grabbed furst was "Making Your Case: The Art of Persuading Judges." *sigh* Really, Momma? Okay. Our words are


A Terrible, Rotten, No-Good Life
By Jessie!

Once upon a time, there was a little doggie whose life was just TERRIBLE! Her momma was cruel to her. Why, there was one week her momma made it rain almost nonstop the ENTIRE time, and she refused to dry out the back yard so the sweet little doggie could do zoomies and potty and all that stuff.

Yes, folks, it was a hard life.

Finally the little doggie couldn't take it any more. At the end of the week, her cruel momma got out of bed...and said, "It's raining, we're not going to walk this morning."

The little doggie cried as if her heart would break and shouted, "Momma, this is too much to bear! There's simply no consideration given for my hard life!"

The momma said, "Do you want a cookie?"

And the little doggie decided life wasn't so terrible after all.

The End

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Goodbye to a good furiend

Our hearts are broken this morning. Our good buddy Sarge, Blogville's stalwart Police Commissioner, unexpectedly passed away this morning. Our thoughts are with his pawrents and the Crabby Girls, who will all miss him so very much. :(

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Best Valentines ever!

You'd think that going to Paris would be enough for any pups, but Jessie and I had MORE of a grreat Valentine's Day left once we got back! My Boy and Auntie Jess came over for our Valentine's night tradition -- chocolate, Chinese food, and classic horror movies! Well, Jessie and I got kibble and treats instead of chocolate and Chinese food, but we all enjoyed the movie -- and more importantly, the snuggling!

"Look, Momma, it's My Boy! I'm so happy!" 

Jessie and Pigeon kept Auntie Jess company for a while so My Boy and I could have some man time. 

Man Time 

"Okay, Jessie, you can see My Boy too, but just for a little bit!" 

 "Just for a little bit, huh, Casey? I've got Auntie Jess AND your Boy wrapped around my paws!!"
"That's okay, Jessie. I'm still a Momma's Boy at heart." 

After the movie ("Kung Fu Zombie", a movie that delivers exactly what it promises!), we got set for our usual selfies.

Jessie and Auntie Jess always have to copy us. They're jealous of how cool we are.

Momma decided she and Pigeon wanted to be included too.

And then the humans took a picture with NO DOGS AT ALL. OMD, can you BELIEVE that?! Weirdos.

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Postcards from Paris

OMD, what an amazing Valentine's Day this is! Stanley and I flew First Class Blogville Air to France, and we've been going all around the town. Stanley and I wanted to see all the sites of Paris, and Casey pawmised Momma he'd give us plenty of space. What a grreat brother!

After a break for Madi's fashion show, Stanley and I headed back on the town!

OMD, what an amazing trip! I think I'm going to sleep the whole trip home. Thanks to all my pawesome Blogville furiends for organizing this.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Olympic dreaming

We've got Olympics on the brain here now, especially after that pawesome Opening Ceremony! Jessie's been dreaming of being a pawt of the Olympics ever since.

Me? I'm going to wait for the end of the ceremonies and volunteer to pee out the Olympic flame!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Momma got some action shots and me and Jessie wrestling yesterday.

 I'm not quite as ACTIVE as I used to be, but Jessie thinks it's still fun!

 Okay, kid, that's good, I'm tired!

Whew! Even these old bones still have fun!

Saturday, February 3, 2018

A special wish

Jessie here, wishing my man Stanley and his brother Murphy a very VERY happy barkday! They're 6 years old today. 6 years handsome!

Quick, Stanley, while Casey's not looking...

A birthday kiss just for you!

Friday, February 2, 2018

Fit for a king!

Yesterday the postman brought something pretty pawesome to our house. It was this weird purple tube that Momma said was our new Purple mattress. A new mattress? Just for me? Purple is the royal color, so it must be a mattress for the KING of our house, right?

First Momma had to take away our OLD mattress, with its broken box spring. So long!

She furgot to take pictures of the next pawts, but she set up the new platform the mattress goes on with LOTS of muttering and HBO words. Apparently the royal people aren't very good at directions. THEN she opened up the big purple tube and started unrolling...and unrolling...and unrolling! There was lots of packing stuff on it, but as she got it opened it started hissing like those mean geese on our walk and getting BIGGER. Finally it fluffed out to this!

We thought it looked ready for a test drive then, but Momma had to put on all the sheets and blankets and stuff before SHE thought it was ready.

When she was FINALLY ready, we all hopped up for a quick test drive.

Ahhhhh. I tell you, folks, this mattress is definitely fit for King Casey. It's very comfy. (The platform is a little higher than I'm used to, but luckily Momma promised not to tell anyone that I fell off the side the furst time I tried to jump up. That's why we have the bench at the end, so I can get up when my arthritis is bugging me.) Momma said her back didn't hurt at all when she woke up this morning, AND we woke up before the alarm without her feeling still tired! THAT is a miracle, folks. We can't wait to give this bed a good trial and see how it feels when we're all really used to it.

Don't worry, Momma, Jessie and I will break it in for you in no time!